Posts Tagged ‘energy efficiency’

CAP Partners with E3Innovate for E3 Gives Program; Special Discounts Available for CAP Supporters

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for joining us on our journey to cleaner air in Middle Tennessee and for your support of our organization over the years. Your willingness to learn about what steps you can take to improve our air quality and to pass that knowledge on to others in our region is a large part of the improvements we’ve seen over the years.


E3innovate_Logo_HighRes (1)We’re excited to announce that local home performance company E3 INNOVATE has stepped up to help us raise our match. And, there’s good news for you as a CAP supporter!


E3 INNOVATE will contribute $50 to CAP for every E3 Standard or Basic Energy Assessment ordered by our supporters between now and March 31, 2014.


Over the past five years, E3 has helped homeowners across middle Tennessee save an average of 30% on their energy bills, resulting in annual average savings of 15,000 pounds of coal per house.


A Standard Energy Assessment from E3 INNOVATE will help determine where you are losing energy and will provide you with a road map of how to make your home more comfortable, reduce indoor air quality issues, and less expensive to operate.  Improvements offered by E3 INNOVATE to achieve a more efficient home include:

  • Crawl space sealing
  • Improved attic and basement insulation
  • Air sealing of the duct system and house envelope
  • HVAC analysis/testing
  • And much more….


Improving energy efficiency has a direct impact on CAP’s mission of reducing air pollution and creating healthier home and work environments.


To take advantage of this offer, call E3 INNOVATE at 615-876-5479. Identify yourself as a supporter of Clean Air Partnership of Middle TN and inform them you wish to take advantage of their E3 Gives program. Once the assessment is completed, $50 will be sent to us in your name.


The fee for a Standard Assessment for a home up to 3,500 square feet is is $385. The Basic Assessment fee is $150. E3 will provide a custom quote for assessments on homes over 3,500 square feet as the work involved in testing will take longer.


Additionally, CAP friends and supporters receive an additional $50.00 discount off a Standard Assessment or $25.00 Off a Basic Assessment.


As always, thank you for your continuing support of Clean Air Partnership.

Mayor’s NEW Program Offers Free Home Energy Evaluations and Additional Incentives

Nashville Energy Works Unveils Additional Incentives for Energy-Saving Home Improvements

Homeowners can save $50 on monthly energy bills and 400 more homeowners will receive free energy evaluations. Learn more at

Mayor Karl Dean and NES are giving you a few more reasons to participate in Nashville Energy Works (NEW), a partnership between the Mayor’s Office, TVA and NES that offers homeowners up to $1000 for making energy-saving home improvements.

$50 Off Your Electricity Bill

A portion of that $1,000 will be in the form of $50 monthly credits off your NES bill if youparticipate as part of a homeowner team. Teams can include up to six homeowners, and the more team members who complete their recommended improvements, the longer the credits lasts. These credits supplement the $700 maximum rebate already available as part of NEW.

Free In-Home Energy Evaluations

As of July 20, the first 400 homeowners who and start or join a homeowner team by registering at will receive a free In-Home Energy Evaluation, after which you will receive a customized action plan with suggested energy-saving home improvements.  Once you have made enough improvements to result in a minimum of 15% projected energy savings,you will earn $200 from NEW and up to $500 from NES/TVA to help offset the cost of the energy-saving efforts. Federal tax incentives may also be available for qualified homeowners.

You can learn more about NEW by visiting, by e-mailing or calling (615) 880-1888.


Tennessee Makes “Most Improved” List for Energy Efficiency

According to the latest ranking from the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Tennessee is improving in its efforts at efficiency.  California ranks number one once again, while Tennessee comes in at the middle of the pack at 38.

Come on Tennessee, let’s climb that ladder! Do we really want to be lost in the middle on an issue as important energy efficiency? Tell us what you think!

Read the full article from The New York Times’ Green, Inc. blog.